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QuarkXPress XTensions; Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, InDesign, Premiere, and
Illustrator Plug-ins; Macromedia FreeHand, Flash, Fireworks, and Director Xtras;
extensions and extensible software is offered.

Extensions Bulletin provides news and information on extension software.
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About ThePowerXChange
ThePowerXChange has been based in beautiful Colorado since 1991 and distributes nearly all extension-based technology used by InDesign, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, After Effects, Director, FreeHand, PageMaker, Painter, Premiere, QuarkPublishingSystem, and QuarkXPress Passport.In addition to these extensions, we also distribute many stand-alone applications geared toward the designer, publisher, and printer.

Founded by Cyndie Shaffstall, ThePowerXChange hosts a web site of thousands of products that enable users to search using keywords, product names, core applications, or categories. In addition, the web site contains thousands of megabytes of product demos, freeware, shareware, and updaters.

The tech-support line at the web site is staffed with knowledgeable personnel to answer frequently asked questions and to solve difficult production issues. The company also provides pre- and post-sale technical support by phone or email to assist users in finding products that alleviate production struggles.

As a distributor, ThePowerXChange provides a liaison network to encourage software developers to support the demo program and to provide fully functional demos that are time sensitive so that products can be made available on the web and in the database-driven 2003 Extension Products Reference Catalogue.

Working as the distributor of all extensions, ThePowerXChange staff is able to configure a group of products to work together across multiple platforms and applications. For instance, a QuarkXPress user probably also uses Photoshop and Illustrator and the user's extension-based solution may span their entire selection of core applications. ThePowerXChange, as a non-partial entity, will thereby benefit the end user eliminating the need to search multiple sources for products that will resolve their production issue.

InDesign Magazine FREE Trial Issue

Contacting ThePowerXChange




877 940 0600 toll free
303 940 0600 local/int'l
303 940 0601 fax

technical support

ThePowerXChange, LLC
6320 W 44th Ave
Wheat Ridge CO 80033


We attempt to provide current information and pricing about the products, however, this is the computer industry and it does change daily. We'll provide you with any last-minute updates if you call our office. We strive for the content to be correct, but it's not guaranteed. Read our Privacy Policy.

Copyright 1991 - 2004 ThePowerXChange, LLC. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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