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Extension Type > QuarkCopyDesk XTension
Items [16]

CheckIn XT

Allows the automatic check in to Quark Dispatch stories that originate from outside the Quark Publishing System. It is adaptable for wireline sorters and text... (more detail)

CheckOut XT

CheckOut XT allows the transfer of files automatically or manually out of the Quark Publishing System (QPS). This is particularly important for those who maintain... (more detail)

ex HiddenNotes

Edit text in QuarkXPress with ex HiddenNotes' toggle functions that perform just like those found in Quark CopyDesk. Enter notes in QuarkXPress with the extended... (more detail)

ex LocalDoc

ex LocalDoc is an XTensions module which alerts the user when they want to log out of Quark Publishing System, that a layout or an... (more detail)

ex Message

ex Message an XTensions module for the Quark Publishing System environment to communicate easily with other users. The user can either address a single logged-on... (more detail)

ex MultiCheckOut

ex MultiCheckOut automatically checks out all articles of a page when the page itself is checked out. Articles which have already been checked out by... (more detail)

ex Pagina

Define place holders for automatic updating of daily reoccurring newspaper pagination (e.g., day, page number, and issue), in different formats. ex Pagina will calculate the... (more detail)

ex PrintScribble

ex PrintScribble is a page-planning tool with which page geometries, article names, column numbers, boxes linked, and available lines in a text box can be... (more detail)

ex PrintUser Pro

ex PrintUser Pro creates an virtual Quark Publishing System user and automates prepress production. Layouts, with set header information, are automatically checked out, updated, and... (more detail)

Hyphenator XT

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Ultra-Correct Bundle.
Hyphenator XT is a hyphenation XTensions module for QuarkXPress (US English and UK English only) and... (more detail)

Hyphenator XT Additional Languages

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Ultra-Correct Bundle.
Additional language modules for Hyphenator XT.
Languages supported: Azerbaijanian (Windows version available, Macintosh version available by... (more detail)

Multi Style II for QuarkXPress

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Ultra-Speed Bundle.
The Multi Style II XTensions module is a very powerful XTensions module for formatting text in... (more detail)

Speller XT

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Ultra-Correct Bundle.
Speller XT is a smart (re)-spelling tool developed especially for QuarkXPress and Quark CopyDesk. It... (more detail)

Speller XT Additional Languages

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Ultra-Correct Bundle.
Speller XT is a smart (re)-spelling tool developed especially for QuarkXPress and Quark CopyDesk. It... (more detail)

Ultra-Correct Bundle

For detailed bundled-product descriptions, refer to each individual product.
Bundle includes Speller XT and Hyphenator XT.
Manufacturer: Techno Design... (more detail)

Ultra-Correct Bundle Additional Languages

For detailed bundled-product descriptions, refer to each individual product.
Bundle includes Speller XT and Hyphenator XT.
Manufacturer: Techno Design... (more detail)

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