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Galaxy Gauge

Extension Type > After Effects Plug-in
Items [6]

3D Invigorator for After Effects

A revolutionary new Plug-in for artists and designers wishing to incorporate three-dimensional elements into web sites, print illustration, and graphic design. 3D Invigorator allows the... (more detail)

Eye Candy for After Effects

This Plug-in collection for After Effects includes 20 sophisticated special effects that will enhance any film, video, or multimedia project and is a major time... (more detail)

Knoll Light Factory

Knoll Light Factory is the gold standard in lighting effects used by thousands of motion-graphic professionals and visual-effects artists. Create light effects and lens flares... (more detail)

Magic Bullet Suite

Take an original, high-quality digital video, convert it to 24 frames per second, and get a simple, creative environment in which to change the look... (more detail)


An outstanding algorithm of object-motion estimation, PatchMaker has a number of incontestable advantages compared to two-dimensional (2D) tracking tools:
Perfect motion tracking quality is attained... (more detail)

Plugin Galaxy for After Effects

Plugin Galaxy for After Effects is set of 20 Plug-ins including over 120 effects that can be animated. The product has oft-needed functions such as... (more detail)

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