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Extension Type > Stand-alone Application
Items [107]

ALLPDF Converter

ALLPDF Converter is a stand-alone application that provides a [merge] feature to combine separate documents (any document) into one PDF, in the exact order specified... (more detail)

Art Director's Reference Set

For the art director that needs it all, this set has every graphic design tool from our offerings.
Includes: Galaxy Gauge 18 Imperial or Metric... (more detail)

ARTS Split Pro

ARTS Split Pro is an industrial-strength, stand-alone for splitting PDFs. It features a set of tools that allow users to perform intelligent splitting based on... (more)

AsiaFont Studio

AsiaFont Studio is the only commercially available two-byte font editor for large Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Unicode fonts. It can handle fonts with up... (more detail)


For additional savings, check out the bundle: AutoEye, DreamSuite, Photo/Graphic Edges Bundle.
AutoEye is a revolutionary new way to enhance and improve digital images... (more detail)

AutoEye, DreamSuite, Photo/Graphic Edges Bundle

For detailed bundled-product descriptions, refer to each individual product.
Bundle includes Photo/Graphic Edges 5.0, DreamSuite Series 1, DreamSuite Series 2, DreamSuite Gel Series, and... (more detail)

BCL Document Management Suite

Bundle includes Drake 6 and EasyPDF 3
Manufacturer: BCL Technologies... (more detail)


BitFonter is a stand-alone application for the organization, editing, and converting of fonts.
· organize fonts into projects for easier management;
· convert from any supported... (more detail)


Reach for C128Tools to print these barcodes within Microsoft Windows, the Macintosh, and Linux/UNIX documents and applications. The barcode fonts in C128Tools can be... (more detail)

C39 Tools

Creating Code 39 barcodes couldn't be easier. Just use C39Tools to make Code 39 (Code 3 of 9) bar codes from within any Microsoft Windows... (more detail)


Codabar is used for ID cards, by blood banks, and some package-delivery carriers. This set of TrueType and Type 1 fonts generates Codabar bar codes... (more detail)

Creative Edge Bundle

For detailed bundled-product descriptions, refer to each individual product.
Bundle includes a full version of DreamSuite Series One Pro and Photo/Graphic Edges 6.0.
Manufacturer... (more detail)

Dashes Pro

For pages prepared in languages other than English, hyphenation if often performed by hand or using customized desktop-publishing software. Now, Dashes Pro does it automatically... (more detail)


DCSMerger handles Photoshop 3.0 through CS DCS 1.0 and 2.0 (single-file and multi-file format) image files.
DCS files can be difficult to work with in... (more detail)

Drake Desktop

Drake Desktop is an advanced stand-alone, document-conversion solution that automatically converts PDFs to editable Rich Text Format (RTF) documents.
Drake Desktop is the turnkey solution... (more detail)

DreamSuite Gel

For additional savings, check out the bundle: DreamSuite Series Bundle.
For additional savings, check out the bundle: AutoEye, DreamSuite, Photo/Graphic Edges Bundle.
For demo... (more detail)

DreamSuite Series 1

For additional savings, check out the bundle: Creative Edge Bundle.
For additional savings, check out the bundle: DreamSuite Series Bundle.
For additional savings, check out... (more detail)

DreamSuite Series 2

For additional savings, check out the bundle: DreamSuite Series Bundle.
For additional savings, check out the bundle: AutoEye, DreamSuite, Photo/Graphic Edges Bundle.
For demo... (more detail)

DreamSuite Series Bundle

For detailed bundled-product descriptions, refer to each individual product.
Bundle includes DreamSuite Series One Pro, DreamSuite Series Two Pro, and DreamSuite Gel Series Pro.
Manufacturer... (more detail)


DynaStrip is a flexible, native, PDF-imposition solution that, combined with any PDF-RIP that can perform in-RIP trapping and separation, DynaStrip can become cost-effective and highly... (more detail)

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