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QuarkXPress XTensions; Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, InDesign, Premiere, and
Illustrator Plug-ins; Macromedia FreeHand, Flash, Fireworks, and Director Xtras;
extensions and extensible software is offered.

Extensions Bulletin provides news and information on extension software.
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Welcome to ThePowerXChange Guest Book entry form. Please fill out the form completely so we can keep you up-to-date about new versions and products as they relate to the publishing industry in general and your workflow in particular.

Fields with an * are required and will be verified before software delivery!

As a way to say 'Thank-you' for filling out our Guestbook form, ThePowerXChange will send you links to download a set of design templates to help you jump start your next project.

Please select what platform you would like your QuarkXPress templates in.



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What products do you produce with publishing software?
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Do you own any other third-party extensions, not including freeware? If so, for which applications? (please select all that apply)

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Thank you for filling out this product-registration form. Your download and activation instructions will be emailed to you shortly. ThePowerXChange welcomes you and we hope that you will enjoy your free software. As part of this program, you will receive our electronic newsletter, Extensions Bulletin. You may opt out of the newsletter program, or from receiving any electronic communication from us or our partners, by using the removal system that appears at the bottom of any issue of the newsletter.

Disclaimer: New licenses only. Free-software value cannot be applied as credit to previous purchases!

InDesign Magazine FREE Trial Issue

Contacting ThePowerXChange




877 940 0600 toll free
303 940 0600 local/int'l
303 940 0601 fax

technical support

ThePowerXChange, LLC
6320 W 44th Ave
Wheat Ridge CO 80033


We attempt to provide current information and pricing about the products, however, this is the computer industry and it does change daily. We'll provide you with any last-minute updates if you call our office. We strive for the content to be correct, but it's not guaranteed. Read our Privacy Policy.

Copyright 1991 - 2004 ThePowerXChange, LLC. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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