Top designers are well acquainted with Kalimat X, the top-selling Arabic-based software solution which allows them to use Arabic with all Macintosh illustration and photo-retouching applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, CorelDRAW, or any other image-editing application on the Macintosh platform.
Kalimat X makes it simple to add the Arabic language to designs such as advertisements, brochures, catalogs, and more. With this Arabic software, the end result is a creation of stunning effects with no need for an Arabic operating system or Arabic language kit.Simply type and edit text in Kalimat X and export it to non-Arabic applications. Kalimat X is the perfect Arabic desktop-publishing tool for creating superlative and professional publications that include the Arabic language. With 22 beautifully designed Arabic fonts, designers have complete control over their creations. Kalimat X opens up self-publishing opportunities in Arabic for the novice as well, including students, freelancers, and home-based professionals.Kalimat X is designed for use under Mac OS X, but Kalimat 3 is still available for OS 8/9.Features:• type and edit Arabic language text and export it to non-Arabic applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW;• import Arabic font text from Macintosh or Windows platforms;• export selected text only or multiline Arabic paragraphs to non-Arabic applications;• export Arabic text either as ASCII or Unicode (UTF-16) format;• operates with the latest illustration and photo-retouching applications such as Adobe Illustrator CS and Photoshop CS, Macromedia Flash MX 2004, and many others;• paste Arabic-language text from a Windows Arabic System into Kalimat X; and• use palettes and measurement units to resize windows for easy text export.Need a web site to reach an Arabic-speaking audience? Create superlative Arabic web sites with Kalimat.Kalimat X includes 22 high-quality Arabic fonts with 10 additional free fonts upon registration. Also upon registration, become eligible for any technical support and receive the latest news about other Layout Ltd. products.Manufacturer: Layout Limited
PowerPC or greater Not available at time of print.
8.6, 9.X, OS X Not available at time of print.
not available not available
not available not available