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Extension Type > Stand-alone Application



Top designers are well acquainted with Kalimat X, the top-selling Arabic-based software solution which allows them to use Arabic with all Macintosh illustration and photo-retouching applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, CorelDRAW, or any other image-editing application on the Macintosh platform.

Kalimat X makes it simple to add the Arabic language to designs such as advertisements, brochures, catalogs, and more. With this Arabic software, the end result is a creation of stunning effects with no need for an Arabic operating system or Arabic language kit.

Simply type and edit text in Kalimat X and export it to non-Arabic applications. Kalimat X is the perfect Arabic desktop-publishing tool for creating superlative and professional publications that include the Arabic language. With 22 beautifully designed Arabic fonts, designers have complete control over their creations. Kalimat X opens up self-publishing opportunities in Arabic for the novice as well, including students, freelancers, and home-based professionals.

Kalimat X is designed for use under Mac OS X, but Kalimat 3 is still available for OS 8/9.


• type and edit Arabic language text and export it to non-Arabic applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW;

• import Arabic font text from Macintosh or Windows platforms;

• export selected text only or multiline Arabic paragraphs to non-Arabic applications;

• export Arabic text either as ASCII or Unicode (UTF-16) format;

• operates with the latest illustration and photo-retouching applications such as Adobe Illustrator CS and Photoshop CS, Macromedia Flash MX 2004, and many others;

• paste Arabic-language text from a Windows Arabic System into Kalimat X; and

• use palettes and measurement units to resize windows for easy text export.

Need a web site to reach an Arabic-speaking audience? Create superlative Arabic web sites with Kalimat.

Kalimat X includes 22 high-quality Arabic fonts with 10 additional free fonts upon registration. Also upon registration, become eligible for any technical support and receive the latest news about other Layout Ltd. products.

Manufacturer: Layout Limited

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterNot available at time of print.
OS Requirements8.6, 9.X, OS XNot available at time of print.
Download Demonot availablenot available
Download Updaternot availablenot available

Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Kalimat X [USB]
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.0 US $175.00
Kalimat X (with Purchase of ArabicXT)
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.0 US $95.00
Kalimat X for Arabic XT Owners
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.0 US $140.00
Kalimat X Upgrade from v2.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.0 US $115.00
Kalimat X Upgrade from v3.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.0 US $95.00
Kalimat 3 [USB]
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 3.0 US $175.00
Kalimat 3 [ADB]
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 3.0 US $175.00
Kalimat 3 (with Purchase of ArabicXT)
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 3.0 US $95.00
Kalimat 3 for Arabic XT Owners
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 3.0 US $140.00

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