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Extension Type > Illustrator Plug-in

MAPublisher LT for Adobe Illustrator


MAPublisher LT for Adobe Illustrator imports raw GIS data files from Mac, PC, or UNIX systems directly into the high-end graphics environment with all attributes intact.

MAPublisher LT imports vector data (shapes, boundaries, routes, elevations, and so on) from MapInfo, ARC/INFO, ArcView, AutoCAD and others, with all of the drawing's data attributes intact. MAPublisher LT incorporates GIS-object management tools such as feature selection and query logic tools for easy data selection.

Use MAPublisher LT to GEO to enable web sites or for simply importing GIS/CAD files into high-end graphics applications.

Included in MAPublisher LT is mapublisher pdf export, enhancing the Adobe Acrobat PDF by attaching attribute databases to PDF graphic files. Make web sites fully enabled for internet or intranet access and distribute the pdfPLUS for Acrobat Reader free so the whole world can view the generated maps.

This is the low-cost, timesaving solution to print and electronic publishing of map files. Have the comfort of knowing it's based on proven MAPublisher technology, and be sure of the very best reproduction.

MAPublisher LT contains: mapublisher import, supporting MAPInfo (MID/MIF), ESRI ArcInfo, Generate (GEN), Shapefile (SHP, SHX and DBF), AutoCAD 12 (DXF), and USGS (SDTS and DLG) file formats and MAP-selection tools, including select by feature type, query, and pdf export, for use with pdfPLUS.

MAPublisher LT cannot be upgraded to MAPublisher 3 or any subsequent full version.

Manufacturer: Avenza Software Inc.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPPC Processor or greater, 32mb RAM (16mb for Illustrator/Freehand), CDRom drive, 10mb disk space, 13Ó monitor486 processor or greater, 32mb RAM , 13" or larger colour monitor (640x480), 10mb disk space
OS Requirements8.6 or later98, NT 4.0, 2000, Me, XP
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
MAPublisher LT for Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator 10.X
Illustrator 7.X
Illustrator 8.X
Illustrator 9.X
001 MAC LT US $299.00
MAPublisher LT for Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator 10.X
Illustrator 7.X
Illustrator 8.X
Illustrator 9.X
001 WIN LT US $299.00

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