PSAlter is a unique and powerful tool for working with PostScript in Windows. PSAlter can view PostScript files on screen or convert PostScript files to a variety of formats, and is the only serious PostScript-debugging environment available.
PSAlter is the only PostScript application to give comprehensive explanations for all PostScript errors as they occur, with the option to ignore or (possibly) fix them and continue. PSAlter 1.5 includes even more tools to help solve PostScript errors fast and can produce preflight reports including full, accurate, font information. PSAlter has an easy-to-use view mode to preview PostScript files on screen.PSAlter converts to the popular TIFF and BMP formats, and takes almost any single-page PostScript file and converts to EPS, complete with a preview. For applications that support TWAIN, it may not be necessary to use export . PSAlter acts like a scanner to, in effect, scan PostScript direct into the application. There are other PostScript viewers and converters available, but PSAlter's PostScript workbench is unique treat PostScript as the programming language it deserves to be.Features:• run PostScript programs flat out, or single step (single stepping is not a line at a time, but right into procedures);• set break points on a variety of conditions;• open viewers for PostScript data including all stacks, graphics state, and any PostScript object;• follow to embedded objects just by double clicking;• view partial pages;• overlay the current path and clipping path to see how the PostScript program builds up images;• browse and edit large programs (up to tens of megabytes) quickly;• set watches to see the current value of any object;• enter executive mode to type PostScript commands at any time, even while another program is running;• supports full PostScript Level 2, or run PSAlter in Level 1-compatibility mode; and• strict mode to check for common PostScript problems that can cause difficulties on some printers.PSAlter does not contain an Adobe PostScript interpreter, and is in no way endorsed by Adobe Systems, Inc. PSAlter is for Microsoft Windows only. PSAlter will inevitably be compared with GhostScript, which is free, but we believe PSAlter offers features which make it worth the difference mainly ease of installation and use, tools for finding the causes of PostScript errors, and facilities for debugging. PSAlter does not have a print facility to turn a non-PostScript printer into a PostScript printer. PSAlter is not a graphical editor edit PostScript programs, but not modify the images on screen.Manufacturer: Quite Software Ltd.
Not available at time of print. Pentium processor, 4 MB RAM, 5 MB Hard drive space
Not available at time of print. 95/98/2000/Me/NT 4
not available not available
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