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Extension Type > Acrobat Plug-in

Quite a Box of Tricks

Quite a Box of Tricks


The aim of Quite A Box Of Tricks is to make easy, commonly needed PDF functions that were difficult, time consuming, expensive, or just impossible. The Plug-in is extremely easy to use, but also comes with a 48-page, on-line guide to give extra insight into PDF and get the most out of the Plug-in.


• sub-sample and/or re-compress images without any need to redistill (can produce dramatic space savings);

• ideal for web-page preparation, proofing, or fixing bad Distiller settings;

• offers JPG extra, stronger compression than Distiller will allow;

• easy access to compression settings through named profiles;

• see the results immediately — if the compression is too much, restore and try again with different settings;

• convert any PDF to CMYK by converting all RGB and Lab data to CMYK;

• optionally convert all spot plates to process (CMYK);

• Mac OS and Windows 98 (only) use ICC profiles for precise, accurate color conversion;

• convert to grayscale, or all text to black;

• choose a minimum line thickness to make hairline rules print on high-resolution devices — fix an entire file at once;

• scale pages;

• free rotate by any angle;

• mirror pages for film or for fabric transfers;

• combine form fields into the document so they cannot be modified or lost;

• remove all form fields to shrink files;

• get information on text and images;

• for text: show the exact font used, and whether it is embedded and/or sub-setted;

• for images: show exact dimensions, how well it compressed, JPG method, DPI, and more;

• search document for the largest images or for RGB image to identify trouble spots;

• shrink or re-compress individual images; and

• supports batch-processing features of Acrobat 5 and higher.

Manufacturer: Quite Software Ltd.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterTo use ICC profile features you will need to run Windows 98, all other functions will run in Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
OS Requirements9.1+, OS X95, 98, 2000, Me, NT 4.0, XP
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Quite a Box of Tricks
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
001 HYB 1.8 US $204.00
Quite a Box of Tricks
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
001 HYB 1.8 US $204.00
Quite a Box of Tricks
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
005 HYB 1.8 US $917.00
Quite a Box of Tricks
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
010 HYB 1.8 US $1,732.00
Quite a Box of Tricks
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
025 HYB 1.8 US $4,075.00
Quite a Box of Tricks Upgrade from RGBGone
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
Acrobat 7.X
Acrobat 7.X Pro
Acrobat 8
001 HYB 1.8 US $179.00

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