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Sonar Bookends Professional


Using a proprietary English-language parsing system, Sonar Bookends Professional can scan a book or manual and make a list of all subjects that are found. The generated subject list can be edited as necessary before using it to make an index.

A special preview mode shows each occurrence of each item being indexed in context so the operator can see exactly how the item is being used. Occurrences that should not be indexed can be deselected. Previewing saves an enormous amount of time finding and verifying each occurrence manually. Previewing can be interrupted and then resumed later. Also, the choices made during a preview are saved and applied to future indices automatically.

Subject lists can be filtered and options include requiring no words, one word, or all words in a subject to be capitalized; single words may be required to have all letters capitalized (finds acronyms, such as NRA or SPCA), and numbers may optionally be allowed.


• first and last names can be reversed automatically;

• items that are listed separately as both singular and plural (car and cars) can be combined into a single entry automatically; and

• items that overlap (such as bears and black bears) can have their page numbers corrected automatically so that the page numbers do not overlap (black bears would have page numbers where black bears appears and bears would have page numbers for all bears except black bears).

Manufacturer: Virginia Systems, Inc.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterPentium or greater
OS Requirements9.X, OS X or later95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 2006 US $395.00
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
005 MAC 2006 US $1,580.00
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
010 MAC 2006 US $2,962.50
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 WIN 2006 US $395.00
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
005 WIN 2006 US $1,580.00
Sonar Bookends Professional [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
010 WIN 2006 US $2,962.50
Sonar Bookends Professional Upgrade (before 09/01/03) [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.1X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 2006 US $150.00
Sonar Bookends Professional Upgrade (before 09/01/03) [ESD]
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 4.1X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 WIN 2006 US $150.00
Sonar Bookends Professional Upgrade from Sonar Bookends [ESD]
Acrobat 3.X
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 3.3X
QuarkXPress 4.1X
QuarkXPress 5.X
001 MAC 2006 US $200.00
Sonar Bookends Professional Upgrade from Sonar Bookends [ESD]
Acrobat 3.X
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 3.3X
QuarkXPress 4.1X
QuarkXPress 5.X
001 WIN 2006 US $200.00

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