CoCo RGB/CMYK is an Adobe Photoshop Plug-in enabling selective color correction in the RGB and CMYK modes. CoCo offers smooth and easy color corrections and provides a natural transition of colors while retaining the original modulation. The range function gives full control over the scope of colors to be corrected. The combination of selectivity and range function allows, for instance, the correction of red in an image without affecting the skin tones (and vice versa, of course). Primarily developed for and tested in a high-end prepress environment, CoCo brings high-end quality color corrections to the desktop.
CoCo makes use of a revolutionary Ink Display Technology (IDT). IDT easily changes the color in which the channels of an image are displayed.CoCo RGB/CMYK can process RGB and CMYK images in Photoshop CS and CS2 The display shows the individual separations as well as the combination of separations. IDT makes it possible to simulate both standard and special printing inks on the screen. This results in a very reliable soft proof of images within the limitations inherent to displaying printing ink on screen.CoCo works in a fundamentally different way than Photoshop. Colors are corrected in accordance to the relative distance to the source color. The range function keeps CoCo fully in control. CoCo offers a very smooth transition from corrected colors to colors which have not been corrected. The result: retention of light and shadow parts, and a natural change of color. CoCo gives a smoother result than Photoshop, especially when working in soft tones, such as flesh tones and the like.Features:• instantaneous preview;• previews spanning more than one screen;• preview zooming and panning;• three-dimensional GUI and docking palettes;• ColorSync support;• mask support;• color-corrections panel list;• simultaneous and sequential corrections;• user-definable defaults for correction and ink sets;• user-definable range and default range;• improved performance;• undo support where appropriate;• selective-color correction without masking;• shows the effect of an unlimited number of simultaneous color corrections in the preview before rendering.Manufacturer: Aurelon Software
PowerPC G3 or greater Not available at time of print.
OS X 10.4 or later Not available at time of print.
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