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Our Fontographer source file converter turns Fontographer 3.5 - 4.1 database files (FOG) into FontLab VFB files (.VFB) that are compatible with TypeTool, TransType, FontLab (Studio), and AsiaFont Studio.

With this solution, make OpenType fonts using Fontographer or salvage old FOG projects.

FogLamp 2.0 enables the user to make OpenType fonts with Fontographer. Design glyphs in Fontographer, use FogLamp to turn the FOG files directly into OTF or TTF files. Easy drag-and-drop batch conversion of multiple font files.

For users migrating from Fontographer to FontLab, convert old Fontographer FOG project files into FontLab-compatible VFB files retaining all important elements including outlines, templates/masks, guidelines, bitmaps, and font-header information.

Design in Fontographer, produce in FontLab. Continue to design the glyphs using Fontographer but use FontLab Ltd.'s up-to-date font technology to produce the final fonts. Take the converted .VFB files to TransType, FontLab (Studio), or AsiaFont Studio to do the final font production in Type 1, TrueType, or OpenType format.

For high-precision fonts, Fontographer defines point coordinates with non-integer precision. FogLamp can convert FOG files into VFB with increased precision up to 10,000 UPM. This is useful when making complex ornaments, logos, signatures, and Baroque initials.

Input format: Fontographer database (FOG). FogLamp for Windows supports only FOG files saved in Windows versions of Altsys Fontographer 3.5.x and Macromedia Fontographer 4X.X. FogLamp for Mac supports FOG files saved in both Mac and Windows versions of Altsys Fontographer 3.5.x and Macromedia Fontographer 4X.X.

Converted elements: Outlines, template/mask, background bitmaps*, guidelines, hints, font naming, and other font header information. *Note: Only one (last) bitmap per glyph is converted.

Output formats: FontLab VFB (VFB), OpenType TT (TTF), OpenType PS (OTF). The FontLab VFB format is compatible with TypeTool 2, FontLab 4.6, FontLab Studio 5, TransType SE, TransType Pro, AsiaFont Studio 4, or newer. The OpenType TT format is compatible with any version of Windows and with Mac OS X. The OpenType PS format is compatible with Windows 2000/XP, Mac OS X and — when ATM Light is installed — with Windows 98/ME and Mac OS 9.

Manufacturer: FontLab Ltd.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsFogLamp will run on Intel-based Mac OS X, see available
OS Requirements9.2 + CarbonLib 1.6+, 10.x95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
FogLamp [ESD]
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 2.0 US $79.00
FogLamp [ESD]
Stand-Alone Application
001 WIN 2.0 US $79.00
FogLamp Upgrade from v1.0 [ESD]

001 MAC 2.0 US $19.95
FogLamp Upgrade from v1.0 [ESD]

001 WIN 2.0 US $19.95

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