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Sonar Bookends Upgrades

Sonar Bookends Upgrades


Sonar Bookends is a powerful index generator capable of producing both an index and a table of contents for a variety of applications (e.g., PDF, Microsoft Word 97 and 98, QuarkXPress, and PageMaker). Several types of indices can be produced, from a basic index to a multi-level index. The index can include chapter and file names and can be of a single file or an entire folder. Cross-reference information can also be included.

There are three basic types of indices that can be produced by Sonar Bookends:

? Word frequency -- a fast, effortless index based on how often words appear in the documents being indexed. Words which are common, and therefore relatively unimportant, are automatically eliminated).

? Word/phrase list -- based on a user-supplied list of words and phrases stored in a text-only file; each word or phrase is indexed. Entries can incorporate advanced-indexing techniques such as boolean operations and wild cards. Since the word/phrase list is a text-only file, it can be generated in a variety of ways. For example, the list can be created using a word processor, downloaded from another computer, exported from a database, and so on.

? Proper Noun -- Sonar Bookends can find and index proper nouns. Using capitalization and punctuation rules, Sonar Bookends can determine which words make up a proper noun. Proper nouns which occur too many times (above a user-defined maximum frequency) are automatically eliminated.

The three methods can be mixed and matched to produce a final index. For example, a word-frequency list can be combined with a proper-noun list, discarding any unwanted words and proper nouns. The list could also be augmented by typing in additional phrases. The final word/phrase list would then be given to Sonar Bookends for indexing. The index is saved as a text file for import into any word-processing or desktop-publishing program.

Other features which add to Sonar Bookends' flexibility and versatility include:

? case-sensitivity option;

? support for non-English characters and special symbols;

? capability of reversing first and last names;

? treatment of hyphens based on context; and

? sorting of both single-level and multi-level indices. | Manufacturer: Virginia Systems, Inc.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterPentium or greater
OS Requirements8.6, 9.X, OS X Classic (not native OS X)95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
Download Demonot availablenot available
Download Updaternot availablenot available
Product Options
ProductHost AppsPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Sonar Bookends Platform Crossgrade (ESD) Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 4.8a US $100.00
Sonar Bookends Platform Crossgrade (ESD) Stand-Alone Application
001 WIN 4.8a US $100.00
Sonar Bookends Upgrade (ESD) Acrobat 3.X
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 3.3X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
001 MAC 4.8a US $100.00
Sonar Bookends Upgrade (ESD) Acrobat 3.X
Acrobat 4.X
Acrobat 5.X
Acrobat 6.X
Acrobat 6.X Pro
PageMaker 5.X
PageMaker 6.X
PageMaker 7.X
QuarkXPress 3.3X
QuarkXPress 4.X
QuarkXPress 5.X
QuarkXPress 6.X
Stand-Alone Application
001 WIN 2.8a US $100.00

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