The personal edition of Autopage provides a low-cost alternative to expensive, proprietary, automated book page-layout systems. Autopage Personal Edition works with industry-standard software and hardware to provide editable, native QuarkXPress pages. This personal edition features a directory tool, simpler interface, spacing control, side-art-element creation tools, sink-head controls, and top alignment. Autopage Personal Edition easily accommodates the complexities of commercial books, textbooks, journals, and directories with precise handling of varying page layouts, illustrations, tabular material, copious footnotes, and side notes producing visually balanced page spreads while eliminating widows and orphans.
Text Features:• control orphans and widows;• group lines and paragraphs that must stay together;• control spacing variation above heads and around paragraphs and other text elements; and• vary paragraph depths with word-space kerning and/or paragraph tracking to gain or lose lines to improve page breaks.Art and Tables Features:• automatic art and table placement in proximity to reference at page top, page bottom, or inline.Footnote Features:• footnote marking with numbers, symbols, or letters;• optionally place user-definable rule above footnotes; and• split footnotes across columns with independent control of the rule placed above split footnotes.Margin Notes and Margin Art Features:• use margin elements for hanging heads, icons, definitions, and graphic overlays; and• align reference baseline with first baseline, top, or bottom of margin element.Chapter Opener Pages Features:• simplify chapter-opener pages with stacked, linked text boxes of varying measures; and• master-page changes are maintained at section breaks allowing fixed page items to vary through a job and simplifying sunken page tops at chapter start and section breaks.Page Layout Features:• balance page depths across spreads;• control page depth variation between spreads; and• control how excess vertical space is allocated in a column.Tagging Features:• all functions accessible interactively in QuarkXPress or via tags in word-processing files.Job Control Features:• control the number of pages simultaneously considered when making page break decisions; and• paginate any part of a job.Manufacturer: KyTek, Inc.
Min12mb RAM (25-30 req), 5mb disk space Not available at time of print.
7.5 or later Not available at time of print.
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