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QuarkXPress XTensions; Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat, Premiere, and Illustrator Plug-ins; Macromedia FreeHand,
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Extension Type > Premiere Plug-in

Plugin Galaxy for After Effects

Plugin Galaxy for After Effects


Plugin Galaxy for After Effects is set of 20 Plug-ins including over 120 effects that can be animated. The product has oft-needed functions such as transparency manipulation, blurring, texture and pattern generation, noise creation, mirroring, and warping. It also includes amazing metal, chrome, neon, pop art, glass, rainbow, sunshine, and star effects. Additionally, enhance, colorize, add edges to videos and animations, or even encrypt them. Includes rarely found effects such as feedbacks, grids, or zooming.

The effects of Plugin Galaxy for After Effects can be adapted and animated with the help of sliders, check boxes, color dialogs, color pickers, and preview coordinates. Plugin Galaxy for After Effects works with Adobe After Effects 4/5 and Adobe Premiere 6, Windows, and Macintosh. It also be used with Apple Final Cut Pro, Pinnacle Commotion 3, and Discreet Combustion.

Manufacturer: The Plugin Site

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterPentium or greater
OS Requirements9.X, OS X95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
Download Democlick hereclick here
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Plugin Galaxy for After Effects [ESD]
After Effects 4.X
After Effects 5.X
Premiere 6.X
001 MAC 1.5 US $99.00
Plugin Galaxy for After Effects [ESD]
After Effects 4.X
After Effects 5.X
Premiere 6.X
001 WIN 1.5 US $99.00

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