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Extension Type > Stand-alone Application




BitFonter is a stand-alone application for the organization, editing, and converting of fonts.


• organize fonts into projects for easier management;

• convert from any supported format to any other;

• supports bitmap TrueType fonts with full Unicode and optional grayscale support;

• provides professional image-editing tools, transformations, and filters;

• uses PhotoFont technology for creating full-color fonts with transparency;

• rasterization of outline fonts to bitmaps;

• converts bitmap to outline fonts;

• converts scanned images or digital photographs into outline fonts in minutes (requires FontLab or TypeTool installed on the same computer); and

• Unicode support for multiple-code pages and encodings.


• Import formats: Mac OS NFNT, Windows FON and FNT, TrueType (embedded bitmaps for both the Mac and Windows versions), IBM AFP, HP PCL SFP and SFL, BDF (black and white, grayscale, and color), ABF, FontLab Template, unpacked FBIT, and PhF.

• Export formats: Mac OS NFNT, Windows FON and FNT, TrueType (embedded bitmaps for both Mac and Windows versions), IBM AFP, HP SFP and SFL, BDF (all modes), FontLab Template, and PhF.

• Picture import formats: PNG, PICT, and TIFF.

• Picture export formats: PNG, PICT.

• Rasterization of outline fonts from any installed font (using system rasterizer) and from any font opened in FontLab or TypeTool (using FreeType rasterizer).

• Tracing of bitmap fonts to FontLab or TypeTool.

Tools: (all tools can work in any color mode, from black and white to 24-bit color with transparency.):

• Drawing: pencil, eraser, brush, text, line, rectangle, ellipse, fill, marquee selection, freeform selection, magic-wand selection;

• Special: metrics editor and extract characters from image;

• Encoding: full Unicode support, all known code pages and encodings;

• Windows: project, font (with the glyph preview and string-preview panels), glyph, preview, and image;

• Panels: information, palette (includes optional transparency selector), and brushes;

• Transformation: scale, slant, rotate, and bold (for black-and-white fonts only);

• Filters and effects: change color depth, resize, merge fonts, sharpen, soften, Gaussian blur, smart blur, brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, colorize/texturize, remove background, median noise, custom filter, and more;

• undo levels: up to 100 levels (customizable); and

• 175-page user manual.

Manufacturer: FontLab Ltd.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterNot available at time of print.
OS Requirements8.1 or laterNot available at time of print.
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
BitFonter [ESD]
Stand-Alone Application
001 MAC 1.1 US $499.00

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