WellRounded is a Dreamweaver Xtra that creates easily resizable, rounded rectangles to frame content. The rounded rectangles are not single static graphics, they are sliced graphic pieces in combination with modern CSS code. WellRounded generates an infinite variety of looks based on color, stroke, border, drop shadow, and corner radius choices, for instance. Once a rounded rectangle is added to the page, simply type or paste content into it.
Rounded rectangles are great for visually highlighting or separating content. Creating a rounded rectangle is simple in a graphics program, but making them work on web pages presents a host of challenges that graphic designers often don't anticipate if they are just passing the design to a web-page creator.WellRounded generates rectangles within Dreamweaver, so last-minute changes can be rapidly made without jumping back to a graphics application and re-slicing. WellRounded rectangles work across all popular browsers and can grow and shrink dynamically based on the amount of content. WellRounded rectangles also use highly efficient corners and tiling so download remains zippy. Multiple WellRounded rectangles of the same style even share their graphics and CSS code for minimum download size.Features• insert round corner rectangles directly into Dreamweaver web pages;• tool appears in Dreamweaver's layout toolbar;• definable corner radius;• user-definable feathering;• adjusted width directly within the Dreamweaver user interface;• optionally grow rectangle height with content;• apply borders with width and color;• apply drop shadows with feathering, offset, and color;• apply inner shadows with feathering, offset, and color;• includes preview window;• generates GIF files to user-definable directory;• generates valid XHTML 1.1 into the body of the document and valid CSS into the style section of the document;• reuse a round corner rectangle once defined with no more graphic files or CSS created;• works in all modern browsers (Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, and more);• rectangles can be easily adapted as inline elements with liquid layout; and• available for Dreamweaver MX and MX2004, OS X, and Windows.Manufacturer: Media Lab
PowerPC or greater Pentium III or greater
OS X 10.2.8 or later 2000, XP
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