FlightAlert is a QuarkXPress XTensions module operating in the background and scanning for specific preflighting issues on Open and/or Save and/or Save As and/or Print and/or Close. Alerts are only displayed when a problem is detected. This product is designed for a pressured production or prepress environment to pick up key RIP killers and film burners without being obtrusive.
The user can designate that the XTensions module's monitory mechanism should be activated after a document is opened, when a document is closed, at print time, when saving as an EPS, when saving or saving as, and/or during FlightAlert's Collect for Output routine.The alert dialog can optionally make the user aware of the presence of the following items in QuarkXPress documents:• RGB, TIFF, JPEG, or EPS graphics;• 1-bit TIFFs and EPSs;• grayscale and EPS graphics;• PICTs;• empty picture boxes;• missing or modified graphics;• text-overflow items;• picture boxes containing TIFFs that have a background color of None (these can cause jaggies);• spot colors used;• items that have a rotation of non-90¡ incremental angles;• items that have their printing suppressed;• graphic files that are larger or smaller than a specified size; and/or• graphics that have a definable file extension.The Collect for Output (c.f.o. ) option enables the user to select a document and specify a destination disc and/or folder for the file. The document and all its linked graphics (including DCS files if required), screen and printer fonts (including fonts used in EPS graphics) will be transferred.When copying a file, the user may select to also collect the preferences file and any other required files at the same time. If any linked graphic or printer fonts are missing, FlightAlert provides an auto-find utility which is a high-performance search tool that will scan through predefined volumes or folders for the required files. The user can completely control the process by specifying default-search paths.If desired, all the files collected will be compressed into a self-extracting archive (bundle). The naming convention used for the bundle will immediately identify whether it is complete or if font or required graphics are missing.When moving files, the XTensions module will also optionally present a special-instructions dialog which allows the user to direct the receiver as to what print medium, film setting, line-screen, and other settings to use. Shipping and general-comment fields are also provided. This feature will show what color plates are required for each individual page, and therefore will accurately instruct as to what plates are to be output on a page-by-page basis. All items in the special-instructions dialog are user configurable decide exactly what options are available in the popup menus that appear. The batch-C.F.O. option enables the user to select a number of files which can be moved at the same time.Manufacturer: CompuSense Ltd.
PowerPC or greater Not available at time of print.
8.X, 9.X, OS X Not available at time of print.
click here not available
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