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Extension Type > InDesign Plug-in

Sonar Bookends InFnote


Sonar Bookends InFnote is a footnote Plug-in for InDesign designed to make footnotes and endnotes quick and easy to create and manage.


• New in version 5.0: import MS Word footnotes and endnotes;

• footnotes are now moved from page to page automatically and as necessary, to ensure that each footnote is on the same page as its reference;

• a separator line is automatically drawn above all footnote text boxes that actually contain footnotes;

• additional numbering scheme for footnotes is available: *, ø, ù, ¤, ||, #, **, øø, and so on.

The updated Plug-in requires that each page of a document that contains footnote references, or could have footnote references flow onto it, have a text box where the Plug-in can place any matching footnote destinations.

Footnotes (which appear at the bottom of a page) and endnotes (which appear at the end of a document) are linked to their references using a labeling system. Thus, a reference to a footnote can be created long before the actual footnote or endnote has been added. Alternatively, footnotes and endnotes can be created before there are any references to them. All that ultimately matters is that the label on both the note and its reference are the same.

Sonar Bookends InFnote dynamically numbers all footnotes and endnotes. The note numbers have a style sheet applied to them and then the numbers are placed in the appropriate locations in the body of the text and in front of the notes themselves. Sonar Bookends InFnote assigns one style sheet to notes and a different style sheet to note references. This allows the formatting for all occurrences of notes or their references or both to be modified by simply changing the definition of one or both style sheets.

The footnotes and endnotes are also sorted automatically so that their order matches the order of the references in the text. The numbering system for both footnotes and endnotes can be set individually as well. By default, footnotes use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3), while endnotes use Roman numerals (i, ii, iii).

Anytime a document is changed, all that is necessary is to tell Sonar Bookends InFnote to update the footnote numbers. In seconds, all of the document's footnote and endnote numbers will be adjusted and the notes sorted as necessary. Even documents consisting of multiple files can be handled by opening all of the files before updating the footnote numbers.

Manufacturer: Virginia Systems, Inc.

System and Demo Options
System RequirementsPowerPC or greaterPentium or greater
OS Requirements9.X, OS X or later95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
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Product Options
ProductPack QtyPlatformVersionPriceBuy
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 MAC 5.71 US $195.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
005 MAC 5.71 US $780.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
010 MAC 5.71 US $1,462.50
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
020 MAC 5.71 US $97.50
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 WIN 5.71 US $195.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
005 WIN 5.71 US $780.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
010 WIN 5.71 US $1,462.50
Sonar Bookends InFnote [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
020 WIN 5.71 US $97.50
Sonar Bookends InFnote Upgrade from v3.X [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 MAC 5.71 US $0.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote Upgrade from v3.X [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 WIN 5.71 US $0.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote Upgrade from v1.X, v2.X [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 MAC 5.71 US $100.00
Sonar Bookends InFnote Upgrade from v1.X, v2.X [ESD]
InDesign 3.X/CS
InDesign 4.X/CS2
001 WIN 5.71 US $100.00

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