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Extension Type > InDesign Plug-in
Items [69]

InCatalog Pro

InCatalog Pro, a Plug-in for Adobe InDesign, is a powerful bi-directional linking tool for creating transparent links between Adobe InDesign documents and external data. With... (more detail)


InData is a new Adobe InDesign Plug-in that brings the full typographic- and picture-publishing power of InDesign to bear on data-driven, repetitive publishing tasks such... (more detail)


InFlow provides automatic page insertion for InDesign. Turn any master-page text thread into an auto-flow text thread in seconds. When InFlow detects over set text... (more detail)

Instant PDF

Enfocus Instant PDF 3 removes the uncertainty and technical complexity from the PDF-creation process. No other application so intuitively and reliably creates Certified PDFs that... (more detail)


J2SAutodata is a Plug-in designed to insert the total number of pages of a document and keep this number up to date as pages are... (more detail)


JobCapture (formerly known as IntelliTrack) is a turnkey system designed for production studios that tracks time and activity in many applications -- with minimal intrusion to... (more detail)

MadeToCompare for InCopy

MadeToCompare for InCopy provides collation and revision tracing -- with pinpoint precision. When different versions of a text are in use, or different users are working... (more detail)

MadeToPrint Auto for InDesign

The professional tool to enhance output options in Adobe InDesign, MadeToPrint optimizes and expands the output options in Adobe's premium layout application, minimizes mistakes, and... (more detail)

MadeToPrint for InDesign

MadeToPrint for InDesign was developed to streamline and enhance one of the most neglected, but vital aspects of InDesign: printing.
At its simplest, MadeToPrint for... (more detail)

MathMagic Pro for InDesign

MathMagic Pro, an InDesign Plug-in, provides a user interface (a menu and a tool button) that enables the user to create and edit equations inside... (more detail)

Mechanical Cubed


OPI_Swapper is a tool for managing low- and high-resolution data in a desktop-publishing application within the scope of an OPI system. When a picture... (more detail)

PageSlug ID

This Plug-in provides automatic, basic-information slugs for InDesign CS documents, and updates crucial items such as date, time, computer, and so on, on each page... (more detail)

Palette Manager

Palette Manager is meant for any InDesign user looking for maximum efficiency. The Palette Manager will help InDesign manage palettes. Tired of palettes getting in... (more detail)

Palette Manager & Workspace Manager Bundle

Bundle includes Palette Manager and Workspace Manager.
For detailed product descriptions, refer to the individual product listings.
Manufacturer: Teacup Software... (more detail)


Designed by page-layout guru David Blatner, PatternMaker brings high-quality PostScript patterns to InDesign. Fill any frame with one of three patterns, then modify, tweak, and... (more detail)


This great set of patterns, designed by page-layout guru David Blatner, will bring you a whole new world of design possibilities in Adobe InDesign. PatternPack... (more detail)

PictureXTracker for InDesign

PictureXTracker searches a selected folder or a selected volume for all picture files related to one or several documents. PictureXTracker searches the volumes selected or... (more detail)


The PowerMath stand-alone application runs independently of any Plug-ins or host applications, and can create and edit complex sets of preferences (the PowerMath supersets), as... (more detail)


PrintCapture transparently keeps track of the entire print history of a document. This is especially useful in departments which bill for color prints. PrintCapture indicates... (more detail)

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